SkillFr Réimportation la config de sickrage sur sickchill:
Récupère les fichiers : config.ini et sickchill.db ou sickbear.db dépose-les dans /opt/SickChill


Les fichiers se créent automatiquement après un démarrage, cela veut dire que tu n’as pas lancé Sick Chill

Copie les fichiers de l'ancien sickrage

cp -R /opt/sickrage/config.ini /opt/SickChill/
cp -R /opt/sickrage/sickrage.db /opt/SickChill
mv /opt/SickChill/sickrage.db /opt/SickChill/sickchill.db 

/usr/local/bin/python3.9 /opt/SickChill/ -q --daemon --nolaunch --datadir=/opt/SickChill

Check après les log: cat /opt/SickChill/Logs/sickchill.log

Encore une fois, j'ai l'impression qu'étant donné que l'install de Sickrage était une "all-in-one" inclue dans le script de Xavier, les fichiers ne sont pas là où on les attends. En effet, quand je passe tes commandes :

Last login: Sun Aug  8 14:18:35 2021 from
root@***:~# cp -R /opt/sickrage/config.ini /opt/SickChill/
cp: cannot stat '/opt/sickrage/config.ini': No such file or directory
root@***:~# cp -R /opt/sickrage/sickrage.db /opt/SickChill
cp: cannot stat '/opt/sickrage/sickrage.db': No such file or directory
root@***:~# mv /opt/SickChill/sickrage.db /opt/SickChill/sickchill.db
mv: cannot stat '/opt/SickChill/sickrage.db': No such file or directory
root@***:~# cd /opt/sickrage/
root@***:/opt/sickrage# ls           Dockerfile               histo.log                     README.txt            src  Jackett                       requirements-dev.txt  tests  Jackett.Binaries.Mono.tar.gz  requirements.txt      webpack.config.js
COPYING.txt                     runscripts            yarn.lock
crowdin.yaml           manifests                     setup.cfg
data                   package.json        
docker-compose.yml     protos                        sickrage

Je suis tellement désolé, c'est en train de vous user et moi aussi parce que j'ai fais la bêtise de plus mettre les mains dedans depuis des années, mais ça marchait tellement bien :/


    Ok, pas de souci, si c'est du all in one malheureusement je peux rien faire !

    Je vois qu'il y a docker dans les fichiers, j'y connais absolument rien 😅 et Bizarre le Jackett dans Sick.

    Mais cela ne t'empêche pas de repartir avec un SickChill vierge !

    Quand tu démarre SickChill

    /usr/local/bin/python3.9 /opt/SickChill/ -q --daemon --nolaunch --datadir=/opt/SickChill

    Il doit y avoir obligatoirement des traces dans le log: cat /opt/SickChill/Logs/sickchill.log

    Last login: Sun Aug  8 17:57:04 2021 from ***
    root@***:~# /usr/local/bin/python3.9 /opt/SickChill/ -q --daemon --nolaunch --datadir=/opt/SickChill
    root@***:~# cat /opt/SickChill/Logs/sickchill.log
    cat: /opt/SickChill/Logs/sickchill.log: No such file or directory


      Vraiment Bizarre ton installation

      Dernier essai :

      cd /opt/SickChill

      Normalement SickChill démarre dans la console sans daemon.

      CTRL + C pour éteindre SickChill

      Last login: Sun Aug  8 18:33:18 2021 from ***
      root@sd-***:~# cd /opt/SickChill
      root@sd-***:/opt/SickChill# /usr/local/bin/python3.9
      Checking poetry
      sickchill found: False
      Can write to /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages: True
      Can write to /root/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages: False
      We always run from virtualenv when running from source
      Restarting SickChill with ['/opt/SickChill/.venv/bin/python3.9', '']
      Checking poetry
      sickchill found: False
      Can write to /opt/SickChill/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages: True
      Can write to /root/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages: False
      pip found: True
      pip args: /opt/SickChill/.venv/bin/python3.9 -m pip install --no-input --disable-pip-version-check --no-python-version-warning --no-color -qU setuptools poetry poetry-date-version-plugin wheel --pre
      poetry found: True
      pip args: /opt/SickChill/.venv/bin/python3.9 -m pip install --no-input --disable-pip-version-check --no-python-version-warning --no-color -qU Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in pyproject.toml. You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them. appdirs==1.4.4 babelfish==0.6.0b1; python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "4.0" beautifulsoup4==4.9.3 beekeeper-alt==2021.7.16; python_full_version >= "3.6.2" and python_version < "4" cachecontrol==0.12.6; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.4.0") certifi==2021.5.30; python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" cffi==1.14.6; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.6" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" and python_version >= "3.6" chardet==4.0.0; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.5.0") charset-normalizer==2.0.3; python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3" click==8.0.1; python_version >= "3.6" cloudscraper==1.2.58 colorama==0.4.4; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" and platform_system == "Windows" or platform_system == "Windows" and python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version >= "3.5.0" configobj==5.0.6 cryptography==3.4.7; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" and python_version >= "3.6" decorator==5.0.9; python_version >= "3.5" deluge-client==1.9.0 deprecated==1.2.12; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.6" dogpile.cache==1.1.3; python_version >= "3.6" enzyme==0.4.1 feedparser==6.0.8; python_version >= "3.6" future==0.18.2; python_version >= "2.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" gntp==1.0.3 greenlet==1.1.0; python_version >= "3" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3" guessit==3.3.1 html5lib==1.1; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.5.0") httplib2==0.19.1 idna==3.2; python_version >= "3.5" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3.5" ifaddr==0.1.7 imagesize==1.2.0; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.4.0") imdbpy==2021.4.18 importlib-metadata==1.7.0; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" and python_version < "3.8" or python_version < "3.8" and python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version >= "3.5.0" or python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" and python_version < "3.8" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version < "3.8" ipaddress==1.0.23 js2py==0.71 jsonrpclib-pelix==0.4.2 kodipydent-alt==2021.7.16; python_full_version >= "3.6.2" and python_version < "4" lxml==4.6.3; python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" mako==1.1.4; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.4.0") markdown2==2.4.0; python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "4" markupsafe==2.0.1; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.6" msgpack==1.0.2; python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" new-rtorrent-python==1.0.1a0 oauthlib==3.1.1; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.6" packaging==20.9; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.4.0") pbr==5.6.0; python_version >= "3.6" profilehooks==1.12.0 pyaes==1.6.1 pycparser==2.20; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.6" pygithub==1.55; python_version >= "3.6" pyjsparser==2.7.1 pyjwt==2.1.0; python_version >= "3.6" pymediainfo==5.1.0; python_version >= "3.6" pynacl==1.4.0; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.6" pynma==1.0 pyopenssl==20.0.1; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.5.0") pyparsing==2.4.7; python_version >= "2.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" or python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" pysocks==1.7.1; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.4.0") pysrt==1.1.2 python-dateutil==2.8.2; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.3.0") python-slugify==5.0.2; python_version >= "3.6" python-twitter==3.5 python3-fanart==2.0.0 pytz==2021.1 qbittorrent-api==2021.5.22 rarfile==4.0 rebulk==3.0.1 requests-oauthlib==1.3.0; python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" requests-toolbelt==0.9.1 requests==2.26.0; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.6.0") send2trash==1.7.1 sgmllib3k==1.0.0; python_version >= "3.6" six==1.16.0; python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" or python_version >= "3.4" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" and python_version >= "3.4" or python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.6" soupsieve==2.2.1; python_version >= "3.6" sqlalchemy==1.4.22; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.6.0") stevedore==3.3.0; python_version >= "3.6" subliminal==2.1.0 text-unidecode==1.3; python_version >= "3.6" timeago==1.0.15 tmdbsimple==2.8.0 tornado==6.1; python_version >= "3.5" tvdbsimple==1.0.6 tzlocal==2.1 unidecode==1.2.0; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.4.0") urllib3==1.26.6; python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" and python_version < "4" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version < "4" validators==0.18.2; python_version >= "3.4" webencodings==0.5.1; python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" win-inet-pton==1.1.0 wrapt==1.12.1; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.6" xmltodict==0.12.0; python_full_version >= "3.6.2" and python_version < "4" zipp==3.5.0; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" and python_version < "3.8" or python_version < "3.8" and python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version >= "3.5.0"
      Command result: ERROR: Invalid requirement: 'Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in pyproject.toml. You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.'
      Trying user site-packages
      Command result: ERROR: Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/opt/SickChill/", line 14, in <module>
          import sickchill.start
        File "/opt/SickChill/sickchill/", line 6, in <module>
          from .show.indexers import indexer, ShowIndexer
        File "/opt/SickChill/sickchill/show/indexers/", line 1, in <module>
          from .handler import ShowIndexer
        File "/opt/SickChill/sickchill/show/indexers/", line 3, in <module>
          from sickchill import logger, settings
        File "/opt/SickChill/sickchill/", line 12, in <module>
          from github import InputFileContent
      ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'github'

        cd /opt/SickChill/
        poetry run python --version te retourne quoi ?

        root@***:~# cd /opt/SickChill/
        root@***:/opt/SickChill# poetry run python --version
        -bash: poetry: command not found

        Si je repasse tes commandes du premier post :

        root@***:/opt/SickChill# python3.9 --version
        Python 3.9.6
        root@***:/opt/SickChill# which python3.9


          Il faut l'installer :

          cd /tmp
          curl -sSL | python3.9
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/clikit/api/config/", line 8, in <module>
              from typing import ContextManager
          ImportError: cannot import name 'ContextManager'
          During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
          Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "/root/.poetry/bin/poetry", line 17, in <module>
              from poetry.console import main
            File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/console/", line 1, in <module>
              from .application import Application
            File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/console/", line 3, in <module>
              from cleo import Application as BaseApplication
            File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/cleo/", line 3, in <module>
              from .application import Application
            File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/cleo/", line 4, in <module>
              from clikit.console_application import ConsoleApplication
            File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/clikit/", line 1, in <module>
              from .api.config.application_config import ApplicationConfig
            File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/clikit/api/config/", line 1, in <module>
              from .application_config import ApplicationConfig
            File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/clikit/api/config/", line 10, in <module>
              from typing_extensions import ContextManager
          ImportError: No module named 'typing_extensions'


            Il doit y avoir un problème avec l'ancienne installation

            tu est sur quel système OS/Version

            cat /etc/*-release


            lsb_release -a

            No LSB modules are available.
            Distributor ID: Debian
            Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 9.13 (stretch)
            Release:        9.13
            Codename:       stretch


              Comme moi en Debian 9.13, donc pas de probleme

              Possible qu'il reste l'ancien poetry en 3.5

              mv /root/.poetry/ /root/.poetry.bak/


              cd /root 
              curl -sSL | python3.9 
              root@***:~# curl -sSL | python3.9
              Retrieving Poetry metadata
              This installer is deprecated. Poetry versions installed using this script will not be able to use 'self update' command to upgrade to 1.2.0a1 or later.
              # Welcome to Poetry!
              This will download and install the latest version of Poetry,
              a dependency and package manager for Python.
              It will add the `poetry` command to Poetry's bin directory, located at:
              This path will then be added to your `PATH` environment variable by
              modifying the profile file located at:
              You can uninstall at any time by executing this script with the --uninstall option,
              and these changes will be reverted.
              Installing version: 1.1.7
                - Downloading poetry-1.1.7-linux.tar.gz (72.63MB)
              Poetry (1.1.7) is installed now. Great!
              To get started you need Poetry's bin directory ($HOME/.poetry/bin) in your `PATH`
              environment variable. Next time you log in this will be done
              To configure your current shell run `source $HOME/.poetry/env`
              root@***:~# source $HOME/.poetry/env
              root@***:~# cd /opt/SickChill/
              root@***:/opt/SickChill# poetry run python --version
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/clikit/api/config/", line 8, in <module>
                  from typing import ContextManager
              ImportError: cannot import name 'ContextManager'
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/root/.poetry/bin/poetry", line 17, in <module>
                  from poetry.console import main
                File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/console/", line 1, in <module>
                  from .application import Application
                File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/console/", line 3, in <module>
                  from cleo import Application as BaseApplication
                File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/cleo/", line 3, in <module>
                  from .application import Application
                File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/cleo/", line 4, in <module>
                  from clikit.console_application import ConsoleApplication
                File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/clikit/", line 1, in <module>
                  from .api.config.application_config import ApplicationConfig
                File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/clikit/api/config/", line 1, in <module>
                  from .application_config import ApplicationConfig
                File "/root/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.5/clikit/api/config/", line 10, in <module>
                  from typing_extensions import ContextManager
              ImportError: No module named 'typing_extensions'

              Bon visiblement ça veut pas !

              La seule chose que diffère c'est que tu as utilisé un script all-in-one

              J'ai fait exactement les mêmes commandes sur des VM Debian 9/10/11 --> aucun problème !

              Je te conseille de faire une sauvegarde est de faire une nouvelle installation ( si ton hébergeur le permet passe sur Debian 11).

              J'ai demander a un amis d'installer SickChill sur ça machine --> même erreur 🤣

              Il m'a dit pourquoi ne pas utiliser l'installeur de python de plus il installera les dépendances

              Voici notre installation est cela fonctionne :

              apt-get install python3-venv wget unzip python3-pip
              pip3 install --upgrade pip
              pip3 install sickchill

              Creation de l'utilisateur sickchill sans home:
              useradd -M sickchill

              cd /opt/
              mv SickChill-master/ SickChill
              cp /opt/SickChill/contrib/runscripts/init.systemd /lib/systemd/system/sickchill.service
              nano /lib/systemd/system/sickchill.service

              Change la ligne

              ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/sickchill/ -q --daemon --nolaunch --datadir=/opt/sickchill

              ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/python3.9 /opt/SickChill/ -q --daemon --nolaunch --datadir=/opt/SickChill

              On ajoute les droit sur le dossier :

              chown -R sickchill:sickchill /opt/SickChill/

              systemctl enable sickchill.service
              systemctl daemon-reload
              systemctl start sickchill
              systemctl status sickchill

              J'espère que ça fonctionnera pour toi ! sinon .....
